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Total Records Found: 15505, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
Witherspoon Guy Naval Air Force
Withroder Cleora Army
Withroder George E Army
Withroder Henry L Navy World War II 1941 1946
Withroder Lee D Army Vietnam 1969 1970
Withroder Roger L Navy World War II 1941 1946
Withroder Roger D Army Vietnam 1969 1970
Withrow Joseph E Army
Withrow Ralph E Army
Withrow Raymond A Army
Withrow Rolland P
Witt Betty Navy
Witt Harley A
Witt Warren C
Witternburg Wm
Wittorff Charles B Navy
Wittorff Melvin D
Wixted Lawrence A
Wocknitz Frank
Woelk Bobby Dale Navy 1963 1966
Woelk Ronald Veron Army 1943 1996
Wohlgemuth Arthur E
Woleslagel Ernest E Army
Wolf Charles H Air Force
Wolf Harold E Army WWII 1942 1946
Wolf Harry D
Wolf Chas M
Wolf Harry D
Wolf Otis W
Wolf Otto F
Wolfe Kenneth Navy
Wolfe Schandelle Army Iraq War 8/4/2005 3/7/2008
Wolfenberger Joseph H Army Vietnam 1950 1985
Wolff Robert Navy
Wolford John P
Womack Emery
Womack Floyd R
Womack Glenn F
Wonsetler Ernest L. Marines 1949 1953
Wood Angela M Air Force Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom 1982 2012
Wood Angela M Navy
Wood Clarence Jr R
Wood Howard
Wood Eugene Navy
Wood Thos
Wood Fletcher M Army
Wood Wm H.D.
Wood George V Navy
Wood Howard H Army Air Force
Wood James V