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Total Records Found: 15516, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
Allen Barton Pfc WWII
Allen Burton H Navy WWII
Allen Carl W Pvt 274th Inf. WWII
Allen Clarence Jr. E Radio Tech on a Cruiser WWII
Allen David L Pvt Parachute Troops WWII
Allen E. M Army Korea 1950 1954
Allen Gale (Fletcher G.) Navy WWII
Allen Glen Navy WWII
Allen John Sgt Artillery Unit WWII
Allen Leland J Naval Air Force WWII
Allen Leland "Gene" E Army Air Corps WWII
Allen Marlyn G Army WWII 1943 1946
Allen Marvin G Navy WWII
Allen Melvin C Marines Corps WWII
Allen Paul Navy WWII
Allen Rex T/5 Quartermaster Corps WWII
Allen Richard V Carpenter's Mate WWII
Allen Robert L Navy WWII
Allen Samuel N S/Sgt Ft. Riley WWII
Allen Vernon Lee Navy WWII
Allen William "Bill" Naval Air Force WWII
Allen Wm G Coast Guard WWII
Allen Newton J Naval Consruction WWII
Allen Kenneth C Army Korea 1946 1954
Allender James J Pfc. 361st Inf. WWII
Allender John D Army WWII
Allensworth James F
Aller Alvin Navy WWII
Alley Dustin M Army Iraqi Frdm 2007 2015
Alley Bert A Lt 795th Bombing Squadron WWII
Allison Harold J
Allison Jack Army WWII
Allison Otis A Navy WWII
Allmon Lorne L Lt 547th Bomb Squadron WWII
Allphin Guy M Army Air Corps WWII
Almanza Jesse Army Airborne WWII
Alonzo Donato J Army WWII
Alonzo Fred Pvt Infantry WWII
Alonzo Michael Navy WWII
Alspaugh Harry D Navy WWII
Alspaugh Horace K Army Air Force WWII
Alstatt Vincent E Army Air Corps WWII
Alter E. L. Naval Air Force WWII
Alter Robert Naval Air Force WWII
Alterman Emil L Army Air Force WWII
Althaus Floyd Navy WWII
Althaus Howard 32nd Engineers Bn WWII
Altis Chas C
Alton Orvan L Army Air Force WWII
Alton Gene L Navy 4/10/1969 3/25/1973