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Total Records Found: 15516, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
Stricklan Chester F.
Strickland James W Army 1940 1943
Strickland James W Army WWII 1944 1946
Strickland James W Army WWII 1944 1946
Strickland Orville
Stringer James H Army Korea 1950 1952
Stringer Thomas L Army 1966 1972
Stringfellow Floyd R. Army Korean War 1949 1952
Stringos Stephen Navy
Stringos Stephen Army Korea/Vietnam 11/11/1948 11/3/1966
Striplin Glenn E Army
Striplin Lloyd J
Striplin S. Jr M.
Striplin William L
Striplin James L Nat'l Guard 1965
Striplin Sanford M Marines/Nat'l Gd Vietnam 1969 1998
Striplin William L
Strobel Howard E
Stroberg Allen R Army
Stroberg Vernon A Navy
Stroberg Roger D National Guard Vietnam 1967 1974
Stroble Howard E
Strode H E
Stroh Merton W Army Air Force
Strohl Joel T Navy WWII 8/20/1942 11/21/1945
Strong Clement M Navy
Strong Glenn O Army
Strong Leonard A S/Sgt., 773rd Bomber Sq.,463rd WWII
Strong Wayland M
Strong Wm G
Strothman George F. Army Air Force
Strothman John L
Stroud Robert E
Stroup Clair Jr B. Army Air Force
Stroup Robert E Army
Strouse Ron Navy Vietnam 3/1/1967 2/21/1969
Strube Arthur P Army 1965 1967
Strube Arthur L Naval Air Force
Strube James P Army 1965 1967
Struble George J Pfc., Co L, 19th Inf. WWII
Struble Patrick L Navy
Struthers Lawrence D
Stryker James Navy
Stuart Claude A
Stuart Marvin W Navy
Stuart Oscar D
Stubbs Jack R Army
Stubbs Merle E Army Air Force
Stubby Chester
Stubby Marvin R