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Total Records Found: 15516, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
Sheehan Wm
Sheehen Darrell
Sheets Earl Army
Sheets Daniel
Sheff Warren R
Sheffer Billie
Sheffer Wilhelm G
Sheffield John I
Shehi Dan L
Shehorn Elmas E Army 1942 1945
Sheldon Robert Jr A
Shell Charles F Army
Shellenberger Chas L
Shellenger George
Shellenger Grant S
Shelley William F Army Med Corp
Shelly William S
Shelman Marvin
Shelton Chas D Navy
Shelton Howard Army Air Force
Shelton K V Army Air Corps
Shelton Robert N Navy
Shelton Vernon E
Shelton William L Army Korean 3/6/1951 5/31/1956
Shelton Johnie L Army Vietnam, Iraq 8/28/1972 4/1/1994
Shelton Ulysses L
Shepard Archie Jr L Navy
Shepard Joel L
Sheperd Harry W
Shepherd Calvin Navy
Shepherd George L
Shepherd James Jr M Army Air Force
Shepherd Joe W Navy 1957 1959
Shepherd Keith Navy
Shepherd Marion L Navy WWII
Shepherd Marion
Shepherd Seldon
Shepherd Wm P
Sheppard Calvin M Army Korea 1945 1950 1947 1951
Sheppard Calvin Marines 1943 1945
Sheppard William L Marines
Sheppard William M Army Korea 1945 1950 1947 1951
Sheppard Guy R
Sheridan Alex Navy
Sheridan Walter W. Marines WWII 1942 1945
Sherman Thomas Air Force Korea 1954 1956
Sherman Frank H Navy
Sherman Harold M Navy
Sherman Herbert
Sherman Thomas Air Force Korea 1954 1956