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Total Records Found: 15505, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
White Clint E
White Clyde W
Whitecotton Fred
Whitecotton Arthur E
Whitecotton Fred
Whited Ted C Navy
Whited Larry R Air Force 4/17/1957 4/19/1961
Whited Lloyd R Navy 1/1/1942 8/1/1945
Whited Clifton M Marines 1/5/1954 1/4/1956
Whitehead Chas E
Whitehead Samuel T Army
Whitehead Wm J
Whitehead Chas E
Whitehead William J
Whiteside Houston L Army
Whiteside Houston L
Whithorn Lee Army Korea 1951 1954
Whithorn Lewis M Marines
Whiting Fred H
Whitley Joe C
Whitlock Clifford N Army
Whitman Ben Air Force WWII 1942 1945
Whitman Charles R Army
Whitman Charles D
Whitmer Lewis
Whitmore Benj. Jr. Air Force
Whitney Aaron K Army 1986 1989
Whitney Aaron B
Whitney Edgar K
Whitney Frank E Army 1957 1960
Whitney Frank E Navy
Whitney Frank R Navy
Whitney Hubert W Navy
Whitney Hubert K Army 1986 1989
Whitney Lee E Army 1957 1960
Whitney Leo E. Navy World War II 1943 1945
Whitt Jesse E
Whittaker Marvin Navy
Whittaker Arthur L
Whittaker Chas H
Whittelsey Ivan
Whittle Glenn Jr Army
Whittle William C
Whittredge Benjamin L Navy 5-May 9-May
Whitzell Harlow A
Whitzell Martin V
Wiard Herman G
Wiard Wilbur W
Wichers Cornelius D Navy
Wichser Walter R Army