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Total Records Found: 15505, showing 50 per page
Last NameFirst NameMiddle InitialMilitary BranchConflictYear StartedYear Ended
Wieters Ivan L Navy WWII 1944 1946
Wightman Wayne L Navy
Wikoff Philip C
Wilburn James B Marines
Wilburn Raymond M Army WWII 1941 1945
Wilburn Daniel J Navy 1960 1962
Wilcox Franklin T
Wilcox Jay Navy
Wilcox Marion D Air Force Vietnam 1961 1965
Wilcox Marion J
Wilcox Paul Army Air Force
Wilcox Will D Air Force Vietnam 1961 1965
Wilcox E C
Wilcox Franklin
Wilcox Geo L
Wilcox Paul J
Wilcox Wm J
Wilden Marcus L
Wiley Donald L Army Air Force
Wiley Eugene F Marines
Wiley Gene D
Wiley Gerald G Marines
Wiley Howard O
Wiley Leo J Navy
Wiley Robert Navy
Wilfred Rumback J Army WWII 8/15/1944 8/15/1946
Wilker John F
Wilkerson Kimberly A Air Force 1990 1995
Wilkerson John R Navy 1967 1971
Wilkerson Harlan L Air Force Gulf War 1971 1991
Wilkes Willie E
Wilkins William A
Wilkinson Elden W Navy
Wilkinson Inez Army
Wilkinson J G
Will Theo R
Willard Leo Navy
Willard Wilbur E
Willard John S
Willbanks Paul H National Guard 1956 1977
Willcox Charles E
Willems Jacob E
Willems Leonard V Army
Willems Victor T Army Korea 1952 1954
Willems J D
Willett Francis W
Willett Francis W
William Stoughton E Army 3/24/1953 3/23/1955
William Jr. Harvey U Air Force WW2, Korea 1946 1953
William Sr. Harvey U Army WWI 1916 1920